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Electroneum The Mobile Crytocurrency - Mobile Miner App 5000 Etn Give Away

 receive and securely trade digital money on your smartphone and Electroneum The Mobile Crytocurrency - Mobile Miner App 5000 ETN Give Away


Electroneum is a new cryptocurrency, made just for your mobile, making it easy for you to send, receive and securely trade digital money on your smartphone and, soon, you’ll be able to mine coins to add even more to your wallet.

Electroneum has developed a merk new disruptive technology for making digital money on mobile – we combine our own Blockchain, cryptocurrency and the universal appeal of mobile, to make something entirely new that makes digital money very real! 

This is a cryptocurrency designed for anyone, anywhere to get involved. We’ve removed the barriers of the sometimes elitist and complicated digital money markets, so that you can easily send, receive, spend and even make more ETN coins – all by just using the app!

Electroneum makes access to cryptocurrency faster and more simple than ever before – no one else can deliver on mobile like ETN, and no one else has a mobile mining experience that helps you earn more coins! 

Just download the app for free and you’re in!

Once your investment funds are in your wallet, Electroneum can be exchanged for Bitcoin, Ethereum, US dollars or any other real world or crypto currency, whenever you choose.

Electroneum aims to have the largest cryptocurrency community in the market, so get involved now!

Your digital wallet is managed in app but we can also help you mine more value and get more fun out of cryptocurrencies by using our Windows, Mac and Linux CPU mining software for your desktop PC – that means more ETN in your wallet!

 receive and securely trade digital money on your smartphone and Electroneum The Mobile Crytocurrency - Mobile Miner App 5000 ETN Give Away receive and securely trade digital money on your smartphone and Electroneum The Mobile Crytocurrency - Mobile Miner App 5000 ETN Give Away

What is the mobile miner?

The mobile miner is completely revolutionary way to earn cryptocurrency by “mining” on your phone. In fact your phone isn’t really doing the hard work of mining the coins, that’s already done – this is a mining experience. “What’s that?!”, I hear you say, well, our mining experience looks like a miner, feels like a miner and pays out real Electroneum cryptocurrency, just like a complex command line miner running on a linux computer – BUT all you need to do is click the “START MINING” button on a free app to earn cryptocurrency! These coins are nothing to do with the coins emitted by the blockchain as part of the blockchain reward. Blockchain miners are still vitally important to Electroneum, but full mining is too complex for the average user. The mobile miner is a separate algorithm that rewards users with ETN cryptocurrency at no cost.

Why? Simple – we want to spread the word about how easy Electroneum is to use and get involved with. It’s the easiest cryptocurrency in the world to get started with. Our mobile miner introduces people to cryptocurrency – without ANY risk. We are rewarding everyone who gets involved in the Electroneum project by allowing them to earn cryptocurrency via our free Android app.

What can you expect to earn?

We will be fine tuning the system over the next few weeks as we see how the mobile miner works with hundreds of thousands of users. We don’t know what our “average” user’s smartphone mining power is, but we expect users to be awarded a few US dollars of ETN value per month by running the app in the background. It doesn’t use much data or battery life, but remember if your mobile data is expensive it is up to you to ensure the mining does not cost you money. Use it on wifi initially to understand the amount of data it uses.

Enjoy earning some Electroneum on your Android phones – there may be a few bugs and changes as we test this with hundreds of thousands and then millions of people, but as always, we will fix them as soon as we identify them!

Apple iPhone Launch

We’ve reduced the number app call backs to our servers to just once per hour to comply with Apple’s limits, and this means if you were one of our beta miners you won’t see the pending balance update as often as it did during beta. Leave it running – and you’re mining time will be credited! We have the iPhone iOS version written and fully functional but it has not been approved by Apple yet. The more Android users we can get, the more we can show Apple that there is demand for this app.

Enjoy being the first people in the world to earn Electroneum Cryptocurrency from your mobile phone!


Chance to Win 5000 ETN Enter Code : FDCC4A

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