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Earn Money Online On Mylikes.Com

Im new on and I almost earned $75.16 in just 1 week. Payment Earning money on can easily achieve, if you have lot of followers.. How to earn money on pays user via ads per Click using Twitter, Facebook and your Blog. By just posting ads on your twitter account and your followers click on it, you will earn as much as $0.16 cents per click. Imagine, if you have 10,000 followers and 40 of them click on your ads, you will earn as much as $6.40 dollars in just one posted ads. Important note on, spamming is not allowed, when analyze your earning and you are engaging to Spamming activities your earning will reverted to $0.00. You can register to on this Link:  
Tipsnya and Techniques to earn more money on 
 1. Use only Twitter on posting your ads ( and blog quiet not earning) 
2. Do not SPAM your followers, spamming your followers will tend not to click your ads if you have lots of ADS posted. ( will revert your earnings if you SPAM) 
 3. Add Friends on Twitter as many as you can. adding 1000 friends on Twitter in one day will give you almost 60 followers. This followers will give you high income :) (This is considered SPAM, read this
4. Don’t used Proxy and other spamming tools (as a web developer, the owner of myLikes is a retired programmer of Google, they can easily detect you and get banned :) ) 
5. Just Enjoy posting ads only once per day… Also, you must have verified paypal account in order to withdraw your earnings :) 

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