SMS Sender - the kegiatan with the aid of, by which it is possible to send SMS- communication to the cell phones through the Internet, after spending on this the minimum of time. You be always on the connection with the relatives and the close ones, even if in you ended means on the calculation or your telephone was inaccessible for another reason. You will preserve contacts in the kegiatan and send SMS.Program easily is tuned; therefore compulsorily glance into the tuning from the hidangan of kegiatan and nastroyte it as to you conveniently.Is realized convenient contact the sheet, whose form, will be sign by all. There is convenient weather informer, you will always be up to date about the forecast in your region. Informer gives precise forecast, but weather accurately does not always carry out it.
This optional solution; therefore it is possible to select from the list the region, where you live, or to entirely open informer. The flexible tuning of kegiatan allow the possibility to indicate proxy server, to preserve those sent of sms, to check the renovations of program, to create templates SMS, selection of language, tuning of the dictionaries of the transliteration of text in both directions, changes of password and so forth so there is the possibility to create the "floating contacts". During the addition of contact, it is possible to fill additional information about it, such as the number of domestic and working telephone. Electronic address, number ICQ, and so the group, which includes the contact.In the kegiatan there are no algorithms of the sending of sms, entire logic is carry ouied into the connected libraries (plaginy), is now for each operator made separate plagin, which adds large convenience in the addition of its own plaginov. For developing its own plaginov is allowed SDK, and so the initial code, by one of the libraries in language Delphi.
"Support of languages in the interface of the program: In by base to installation be present two languages: Russian, English. Can easily be added by hand, sufficient languages to only translate file to the necessary language and to add to the program
Category: SMS
Developer: smssender
Yr of the release: 2008
Activation: It does not be required
Language of the interface: English & Russian
Platform: All Windows
SMS Sender | 6 Mb
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