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Facebook Timeline Arrives Officially For Everyone By 22 December

Facebook Timeline is finally about to become effective and irreversible for all, a couple of months away from when Zuckerberg presented the newest version of the social network even blue revolutionize the way we are used to communicate online.

I wonder if Facebook has waited so long just to legal issues, Or to make a nice Christmas gift to its users. In any case, from 22 December 2011 ,Facebook will change significantly by adopting a new graphical interface: Timeline.

What has changed?

The main News of Timeline The profile that becomes a real digital diary with posts, photos, videos, etc., arranged in a timeline that lets you scroll quickly through the years and months of the diary. All content shared on Facebook to a user are visible on a timeline, temporally ordered left and right alternately. At the beginning of the diary is also possible to insert a big-picture kelewat / overview of the ckelewat / over 851×315 pxl. The profile picture, however, becomes much smaller than the size of a passport photo taking square.

Even the way you see the news changes by thumbnails of photos and videos of the largest and the chance to see all the news of their friends live in real time through the window at the top right. It is not yet clear whether a similar window above the chat will also be that there could be some more changes.

How to get it in the preview?

Facebook Timeline actually be activated for a while 'time in developer mode, but some day to get it before the update has been officially extended to all and then with a simple click, you can try to preview. Just go to this page and press the 'get the diary'. If you have not yet upgraded to the Timeline you'll want to do it as soon as he will be required by 22 December.

You can not do, or try upgrading to the Timeline and then return to the old Facebook profile?

No. Facebook Timeline will be effective and irreversible for all in a few days,, so get used to consider or out of Facebook. Maybe something will pop in a moment method 'underground' to return to the old profile, but I honestly do not know what it's worth it to install other applications or scripts to a solution that would last, however little.

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