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Linux Kernel 3.1.2 Released: Install On Ubuntu

The Linux kernel 3.1.2 has been announced and is available for download in the form of deb packages, From 21 November 2011. With regard to the new implemented, it must be said that this is not a major release and the features that we will find in this release are relatively few, in particular, the Kernel 3.1.2 improves support for iSCSI Driver and to Ivy Bridge, Cedar Nouveau Tail (Just like the previous release).

Install the Kernel 3.1.2

To install the kernel 3.1.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 (the procedure is also valid for other versions of Ubuntu, but I have not tested if the kernel leads to problems in previous versions Oneiric), follow the following instructions:

Members i386 (32bit)
mkdir /Scrivania/kernel

cd /Scrivania/kernel

wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-headers-3.1.2-030102_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_all.deb
wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-headers-3.1.2-030102-generic_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_i386.deb
wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-image-3.1.2-030102-generic_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_i386.deb

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

cd ..

rm -r kernel/
Members amd64 (64bit)
mkdir /Scrivania/kernel

cd /Scrivania/kernel

wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-headers-3.1.2-030102_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_all.deb
wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-headers-3.1.2-030102-generic_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_amd64.deb
wget kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.1.2-oneiric/linux-image-3.1.2-030102-generic_3.1.2-030102.201111211835_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

cd ..

rm -r kernel/
Easy is not it? Check the version and restart the system by typing in a terminal:
uname -r
If you are interested in the sources, however, you will find them in this address.

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