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Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Available

More than three months ago we published the release notes of Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Beta, And is here the tamat version of this great administrative tool that no user of Ubuntu should miss.

official blog the project, and that many changes it brings this new version.

Roughly Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that makes it much easier configuration and management various aspects of Ubuntu: System Information, typography, visual themes, Unity, repositories ... These and many more are the options offered by Ubuntu Tweak, so it is a very recommended (that is, if you do not know what play, you better not touch it).

You can install Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 opening the console and ...:

sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:tualatrix/next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Some screenshots:

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