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The New Skype For Android Add The Ability To Send Files To Our Friends

Skype is certainly one of the most used applications on Android and also on the PC, surely this time the company is focusing on mobile devices by adding a constant better support and integrate new features. In these days with the new version 2.6 of Skype for Android the application has led to many important innovations among them the possibility of send to our friends pictures and videos. In addition, the new Skype for Android brings an improvement in the support, especially for nVidia Tegra 2 offering a best video quality and a lower consumption of resources by making us so improve the battery life.

The new version of Skype for Android door even faster, allows you to keep open the log and also adds a few tweaks to the interface by adding the new icon (top right) with which we can exit the application while keeping started.

We can install Skype on any Android device just to have version 2.2 or later, just look for it to install the application on Android Market or log in this page.

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