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How To Enable The New Interface Of Twitter

News rebounded in recent days on almost every site and blog world is that which concerns the new layout which will put a short Twitter. The microblogging platform has updated its interface to users, reserving a few for now "elected", including many American companies. You can follow the news here but there's explicit briefly:
  1. Home: Here we find the main page of our profile and tweets of all those who followed. We can expand your tweets and display additional information such as retweet, reply, and the images/video attached.
  2. Connect: Grouped on the same page we mentioned in the tweets.
  3. Disckelewat / over: Allows you to view the page that shows the isu terkini of Twitter and what is hot in real time.
  4. Me: Is the page of our profile and includes our tweets, profile and image of our photos.
Another interesting innovation is the one that will give us the opportunity to create merk pages, Style Google+ or Facebook, allowing us to have the logo bigger and defined.

Use the new Twitter interface

If you do not want to wait your turn and you are eager to try the new Twitter interface, The procedure is very simple to set, but will require users who are Android or iPhone. All you have to do is download the appropriate app for iPhone here or for Android here, Log into Twitter via the application you just downloaded and "play" a little 'on.

After a few minutes, try to connect with the browser of your PC and, like magic, you will have the new Twitter interface set! If this does not work, delete your browser's cache, Log out and log back on twitter is that from your smartphone from your PC and everything should work!

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