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Kde 4.8 Rc1: Just For Testing

Yesterday evening was announced first release candidate of KDE 4.8 ,Intended only for testing. And you have to polish the experience as much as possible before the new major update of this desktop environment it reaches the public next 25 January.

The new features KDE 4.8 are present, as is customary with each major release, too many to count them all. It is something that can support any 'power user' of the desktop: for many release notes or analysis that you have read, there is always some new feature that does not have a clue.

But to be qualified, and KDE 4.8 will mean Quick introduction of Qt on the desktop, But for now only in the form of device manager plasmoid. Qt Quick is a framework on which new applications more easily programmed with QML, resulting in more colorful and better performance. Some time ago we had a good example with the renewal awaits Dragon Player.

Another change that will come with KDE 4.8 is Dolphin 2, with a view of files rewritten from scratch ,Much more attractive. A sample video:

Finally do not forget the appearance of KSecretService, new storage and sharing of passwords between applications, which unlike KWallet will be safer and -presumably- independent, so that will work with desktop applications and external. Very interesting, but I have yet to replace KWallet clear whether this version or is released only to go try one.

More information and downloads in official announcement. Anyway, KDE 4.8 still has some time in the oven, and 10 days before its simpulan release will look like a second CR.

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