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Restore The Old Account Manager In Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric

The arrival of Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric led the integration of the new operator of configurations which, however, is still very incomplete compared to the previous version of Ubuntu.
In fact, the new settings manager we can not manage themes, fonts, icons and many other features, even if we can get them back, thanks in part to Gnome Tweak Tool.
Among the many missing features that have come with the move to Gnome 3 are no longer the good old Account Manager which allowed us in addition to a better management of users also some useful features such as group management.

However, we can reuse the old interface of the present Gnome 2 just reinstall GNOME System Tools.

GNOME System Tools is a suite of tools designed to facilitate the management of system. Through GNOME System Tools we to better manage both users and groups all with an easy interface and guessed.

To install GNOME System Tools on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric just a terminal type:

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools
at this point to start the Manager users enough to start a terminal window or click ALT+F2 and type:
and we will have our good old account manager.

Will remain available manager of Gnome 3 users accessible from System Settings.

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