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Kde Sc 4.7.4 And 4.8 Beta 2 Is Now Available

A couple of days simultaneously launched the project developers for desktop updates paths in the form of KDE SC 4.7.4 and KDE SC 4.8 Beta 2 ,Who come to increase stability and testing, respectively.

As a rule, KDE SC 4.7.4 is the monthly update maintenance current branch of the desktop, which basically is to correct errors and complete translations. Some of the improvements are received KWin, Plasma, Okular or KGpg, among others. You can find more information in the official announcement ,The Release Notes or list of changes.

For its part, The big update is in store for desktop by early 2012 come preceded by KDE SC 4.8 Beta 2, as is evident only available for testing, in order to report bugs. More information on the official announcement ,But in broad outline the most important new KDE SC 4.8 are presented improvements in stability and performance ,The introduction of Qt Quick and the new version of the file manager Dolphin, rewritten from scratch with improvements in several sections.

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