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Linux: 10 Reasons To Use It And Prefer It

Not all users, especially Windows, have never had the luck and strength needed to try a better alternative ,In many respects, the Microsoft operating system. Excluding Mac OS X, which is always unix-based, I think everyone should try at least once in their life and if a Linux distribution, yet something stops you, here are 10 reasons why Linux is worth trying.

Compatibility with older systems

Linux runs well, very well, even on older systems, without compromising features, and is not memory hungry as Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you have an old computer hidden in the cellar, which may yet run to brush off any satisfaction if you are able to choose the right distribution.


Linux has all the 3D effects and other super pleasant aesthetic features. Some of these effects are superior to Aero in Windows 7 (as the cube, the transitions of the windows, minimizing/maximizing etc).


It is usually difficult to find a Linux distribution that makes whims in terms of stability and/or feedback system crash. Also, very importantly, Linux is faster and more fluid!


Linux is built with solid security and is very rare to encounter a virus or rootkit that could compromise the entire system. As you might guess, there is no need to install any anti-virus even if you never make the mistake of thinking that Linux, like any other environment, is an unspoiled and without threats. They exist, but are much rarer.

User Friendly

Thanks also to the wide choice of desktop environment, Linux is a very user friendly and easy to understand. It 'also possible to easily install other desktop environment if any of these are not satisfied in full. The variety and freedom, two feelings that you will experience if you use Linux.

Most devices are compatible with Linux and have, often, some modules already integrated in the kernel that allow the automatic recognition and configuration. Of course this is also a speech a little 'finer as it also depends greatly on the type of distribution you are using.

Automatic Updates
Linux provides automatic updates through the software sources, for all installed packages with their package managers are characteristic of each distribution. In addition, you can upgrade to a new version of the operating system as it becomes available.

Linux provides users with a bunch of software through the software or dedicated channels online sources. There are more than hundreds of thousands of software programs and various kinds of games, multimedia, science, graphics, education, et cetera.

Run Windows programs

In case you want to use Windows or other programs, you can 'use programs like VirtualBox or Wine. Wine is a software with which we are able to run popular Windows programs on Linux, while VirtualBox is able to emulate a version of any operating system.


Almost all things that are free for Linux. Of course you can buy games and/or professional programs, but for everyday use of Linux and more than adequate, there is no need to spend a single euro! Another great thing, you can download and install Linux as many times as you want without having to pay license or your wallet.

And you, you have any reason not to try Linux?

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