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Vlc 1.1.13, Fixed Some Bugs

 At 2 months from the previous release, the VLC team has released a new update which adds no new features but fixes some bugs found in previous releases.

VLC 1.1.13 fixes some bugs to improve stability of the application ,Among these is the security issue was fixed in TiVo demuxer. In this page you will find the release notes of the new VLC 1.1.13. The new VLC 1.1.13 is already available in the official repository of Arch Linux to install on Ubuntu and have to rely on the PPA Nate Muench.

To install VLC 1.1.13 on Ubuntu 11.10 and 10.04 from the terminal just type:

For Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc
For Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc2
and then
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc
and confirm.

VLC is also available for Microsoft Windows and Mac in this page you will find links for download

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