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Linux Mint 12 Released: Ready For Download?

Clement Lefebvre, father of the Linux Mint project announced The new version of one of the most popular distributions by users of the penguin: Linut Mint 12, code-named Lisa, is now available for download.

Linux Mint 12 is based on the recent publication of Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and is powered by Kernel 3.0, X.Org 7.6 and GNOME 3.2. This version of Linux Mint is very special, because it contains a new user interface built environment GNOME 3 with a very unique style that will make the switch from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3 less traumatic for your users. Linux Mint 12 also includes the desktop interface MATE for all those nostalgic for the GNOME 2.

The new theme, Mint-Z, Also presents a series of new wallpapers and will be a perfect setting for the user experience, and if then we add the MGSE (Mint Gnome Shell Extensions), here comes the perfect system, or almost. As for software, Lisa includes Mozilla Firefox 8, Thunderbird 7, LibreOffice 3.4 and many others. I just started downloading the ISO to test better the distribution and also invite you to download and test the new Linux Mint 12 to enjoy all the benefits.


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