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9 Applications That Come Preinstalled On Ubuntu That You Would Like To Have

Since version 11.04 The software center in ubuntu comes with a nice feature is the rating of applications. Users can vote what are the applications that best meet your needs. This list is the best 9 in the rating but does not come preinstalled in ubuntu.

Chromium Browser. The browser in which Google Chrome was based. It is basically the same The 2 are available for Linux users prefer Ubuntu but chromium.

Gimp. This application came before the default when performing ubuntu installation. Then removed to make room. It is one of the best image editor for Linux.

VLC Media Player. A multimedia player that we could say it's better for both Linux and Windows. Supports many formats of audio, video, dvd, etc, with its large collection of codecs.

Audacity. An application to edit audio tracks. Surprised by its ease of use and its many functions.

Inkscape. It is a graphical editor for designers focused on the design vector.

OpenShot. The best and easiest to use video editor on Linux.

Rhytmthbox. This was the default music player on ubuntu and then was replaced by Banshee. But there are still many users who prefer this player.

Calibre. It is an eksekutif and organizer for electronic books.

Pidgin. It also came before in Ubuntu by default but was replaced. Still remains the preferred courier for all Linux users, not just the ubunteros.

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