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Nokia Will Launch The N9 In Mexico

The particular wheel of fortune Nokia still hanging around, and if not so long ago Kazakhstan was chosen as one of the few markets where it will go on sale N9 ,Now we learn that the terminal MeeGo come to Mexico. Curiously Nokia will launch the N9 in U.S. (Safe for someone to "run off" one in the car for a short visit across the border), but it is to guess what the next country to receive the flagship of Meegan has become a challenge, seeing such in Europe goes on sale in Switzerland and Sweden, but not in the UK or Germany. What the N9 is all a lottery, and this time Lady Luck has been brought to Mexico.

With that said, for now there is no price or release date, so waiting is all you can do aMeeGos Mexicans. The only thing mentioned is that the N9 Nokia will be released "very soon".

Note: Actually the news is already a few days, but with the madness of IFA we stayed in the drawer. Serve at least update for Nokia fans.

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