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Kde 4.7.3 Released, Here's All The News

For the past few days, the team KDE has released the new version 4.7.3 ,The monthly update is released to fix some bugs to make it more secure and stable desktop environment.

KDE 4.7.3 fixes some bugs found in previous releases and also adds some improvements especially in Nepomuk the famous search tool which carried some problems in previous releases that made the search slow. The new KDE 4.7.3 fixes bugs well 4 of Nepomuk and also adds significant enhancements such as whether a file is often modified time is indexed only once and not one for each change, the result is a significant improvement especially in resource consumption.

In addition, a file that is downloaded for example will be indexed only with torrent downloads finished, Which are constantly modified files will be identicizzati every 5 seconds and not any change. Also improved search for PDF files In fact now the textual content will be extracted automatically through pdftotext allowing the ability to search in the text of the document. Nepomuk we can say that it is now fully functional, fast and responsive and above all requires very few resources. KDE 4.7.3 also fixes other bugs especially in KGeography, Okular and KGpg ,For insight into the novelty of the new update just See this page.

KDE 4.7.3 ,is already available in the repositories stable Arch Linux and Chakra (Testing) for Kubuntu/Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric we can install it in the next thanks to the PPA Kubuntu Updates.

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