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Google Chrome On Ubuntu 11.10 Will Not Install? Here's How To Solve

I have always been a fan and avid supporter of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome would not change even if, I must admit, I also have the browser from Google installed on my Ubuntu 11.10. The kasus is that, in this version of the operating system at home Canonical ,install Google Chrome was a bit 'more difficult than usual because of an error that I was returned from Ubuntu Software Centre during the installation process.

The bug is simple but annoying: you can not install Google Chrome in 32 or 64-bit on Ubuntu 11.10 by simply downloading the deb package from the official site. When you open the file with Ubuntu Software Centre, the error you get is the following:
Internal Error
"The file google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb can not be opened."
Fortunately the solution is very simple. Open the terminal and you have to move the folder containing the file. Deb that you downloaded Google Chrome. In my case I typed:
sudo dpkg -i /Scrivania/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
Enter your password and proceed with the installation. Now Google Chrome will not install but the terminal will return an error. No fear, you have to install Chrome finally type:
sudo apt-get install -f
And finally you can also enjoy the Google browser on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric

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