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Firefox 10, The First News: The Forward Button Is Now Hidden By Default

Mozilla has recently released Firefox 8 moved to Firefox 9 in the Beta channel and inaugurated the first release in the Aurora channel of Firefox 10. As you know, it was not until about 12 weeks before you can update your browser to one that will be the stable version of FF10. With regard to innovations and improvements reported so far, it must be said that the release notes do not paint a pretty picture: the new features are scarce. Of course we speak of times still very immature, but not everything will be ruined, something interesting you begin to see.

The first new feature that stands out about the eye The new management of the forward button, now is hidden by default and will be available only after the user has navigated back in history. This new change is available only for Windows users at the time. Other changes include anti-aliasing for WebGL, A CSS Style Inspector which may be useful for web developers, the integration of new API in full screen to build web applications and support for full screen CSS3 3D Transforms.

Other changes include improvements in the key of the cursor scrolling, improved installation Firefox Sync and the possibility of view statistics for HTML5 video using the right mouse button. Firefox 10, however, is a work in progress but the Mozilla team will not disappoint their fans, I'm sure.

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