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Mozilla Firefox 8: How To Enable Webgl On Ubuntu

After you install 8 Firefox, I set out to WebGL also enable the eighth version of the Mozilla browser. The first thing I tried to do was to install the library libosmesa6 with the following command:
sudo apt-get install libosmesa6
I followed the instructions on opening a new tab in Firefox 8, inserted as an address about:config I tried the line and webgl.osmesalib where I set the value /usr/lib/ But unfortunately it did not work. Convinced that the solution was at hand, however, I tried the string "WebGL"Simply in the search kafe about:config and I noticed an option:
set to default False.

For WebGL working properly, I simply set the value to True and restart the browser and everything started to work perfectly! From the image above you can see the settings and modifications that I made dedicated! Enjoy WebGL in Firefox 8.

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