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Ubuntu, Youtube Goes To Click? Here's How To Fix ....

We have received several reports of some players after the update with the new Adobe Flash Player 11 not only have not noticed any improvement, but in some cases YouTube videos are jerky.

The new Adobe Flash Player 11 should greatly improve the display of video or other multimedia features made Flash very often the dilema can not be due to some of the plugin itself error in or lack of codecs or other dilema in our distribution.

In this simple article we will see how to control and resolve this issue through some simple advice.

Before starting check that the problems are not related to our connection if for example we want to see a HD video with a slow connection most likely go in spurts, tested on several videos (sometimes the dilema is also the video) and try other resolutions of the video. If after these tests should always be in the video shots even though we have a fast connection then we can proceed to verify if the plugin is correctly installed.

To resolve problems with new Flash Player 11 first check that you have hardware acceleration turned on to do just go to YouTube start up a video and take us in and with the right mouse button click on the Settings tab and the first will show us if we have hardware acceleration enabled.

At this point we check is not enabled for emergy savings do we start the terminal and type:
sudo pm-powersave false
we start a Videos on YouTube and check if it's still jerky.

If it's still jerky re-install Flash Player thanks to a simple Firefox extension called Flash-Aid But first you must remove Flash Player to do so we start the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer
and now install flash-Aid and install Flash Player via Flash-Aid.

If even with Flash-Aid does not work we need to call the Doctor! In fact Flash Doctor is a simple tool with which we can correct solve various problems related to Flash Player, click on Install Flash Plugin fully and Safely and then Control Flasf with extra settings.

At this point our Flash Plugin is affixed if you still have problems then most likely the dilema comes from or our hardware or connection.

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