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First Features Of Amazon Kindle With Android

For several months there has been talk of what will be the new tablet Amazon Kindle, Which has not been officially confirmed by the company, but apparently is now a reality.

People TechCrunch has had the opportunity to try one of these devices and has given us the first impressions of it, which surely disappointed more than one.

Apparently it is a mid-range device, with features very simple techniques, such as version Android 2.2 adapted to it, with an interface similar to Ckelewat / over Flow used by Apple.

The Amazon Kindle will have a 7-inch multi-touch and a single-core processor, will come with 6GB of storage but with all the services integration with Amazon in the cloud.

Unfortunately there will Android Market, Only Amazon AppStore launched earlier this year. It is expected that the first model with WiFi to go on sale in November to 250$, then possibly launch a 3G version.

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