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Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, Available

As its developers had anticipated, already have with us Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot ,The latest version of Canonical distribution that comes with significant improvements in various sections.

In the release notes you will find whole series of improvements and developments affecting Ubuntu 11.10, And we highlight the following:
  • New version of Compiz and Unity ,In both cases improvements are unique and affect the operation of windows exchanger (Alt+Tab), the substitution of "Places" to "Lenses", a new lens for Banshee and music of our system and better performance launchers and the panel. But above all these improvements stands a: everything works with GTK 3: finally Ubuntu welcomes GNOME 3!
  • Ubuntu Software Center 5.0: Everything is renewed on a visual level in the Ubuntu Software Center, which also gains usability and presentation of the lists of applications.
  • New ARM architectures: Now users of some devices based on certain models of the ARM platform can enjoy Ubuntu on their computers.
  • New DVD: Those who prefer it can download the DVD of 1.5 GB of capacity that includes everything including the CD plus Inkscape, GIMP, Pitivi and LibreOffice suite.
  • New site for developers: Everything you need to help these programmers to implement their ideas and, of course, to distribute both free and commercially through the Ubuntu Software Center.
  • New applications: Thunderbird, Gwibber, GNOME 3.2 and LightDM is buzzing this edition of Ubuntu, while Synaptic and Pitivi are no longer available as standard but can be installed from the repositories.
The release notes also talk about some new Ubuntu Server, And the new Ubuntu images for cloud computing Cloud, ready to be implemented through OpenStack and its latest version, codenamed "Diablo".

It is also important developments that affect not only Ubuntu, but all her sisters ,As follows:
  • Support hybrid images with CD and USB
  • Application compatibility and 32-bit libraries systems of 64-bit (such as Skype and Flash, although in the latter no longer required)
  • Linux Kernel 3.0
  • GCC 4.6
  • Python 2.7.2 by default (2.6.7 and 3.2.2 the also available)
  • Ubuntu One integrates with the most potent form of Unity and Dash, for example, we play music from our own Ubuntu One with a lens focused on the purpose.
These improvements are in addition to specific improvements in each of the sisters of Ubuntu: Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu and Ubuntu Studio also gotten better, although it is clear that as in previous editions, the role is of the original distribution.

You can find more information about Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot on Release Notes, And you can download the distribution from any of the mirrors available or from Canonical's official website here. Now we just try and enjoy!

And of course, very soon we will have prepared our traditional Ubuntu in depth analysis of Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot.

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