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Wireless Connection On Arch Linux - Here Are Some Tips ...

One of the main features that make Arch Linux one of Top Linux distributions is the installation that allows us to install and above all create the distribution as we want.

In fact, once installed Base System Arch Linux we will install the desktop environment, xorg and alsa so everything is not in the installation CD, but we have to install it on the Internet by connecting and completing the installation.
Although for many new users is not recommended installation, this particular setup allows us to have inprimis when you first start distribution already updated and above all enables us to install what we want (Not with special applications and the desktop environment chosen by users or other developers).

The duduk perkara for many users is the Internet connection and to do so we use a text mode because we have not yet installed any desktop environment.
We have already discussed this duduk perkara in recent months by offering a guide for those who connect to the Internet "Famous" 3G keys ,or by using a livecd.
One of the most common connection method is definitely on WiFi which allows us to connect wirelessly to the Internet and in various areas of our home or business.

Connect with the Wifi on Arch Linux it is not difficult just follow a few simple steps and above know your network card and connection type and security key.

Firstly, you need Take care during installation to install the correct driver of our wifi card it is advisable to do so prior to the installation search the Arch Wiki to find the right drivers for our network card. It is also useful when installing choose to install base-devel applications that will allow us to install applications or drivers following from alternative sources. Also make sure you install the drivers and firmware in addition to the various tools needed to connect as wireless_tools, wpa_supplicant, Etc.

At this point we have to choose which tools to use to connectin this case refer to the Board of Arch Linux Wiki and print out the connection mode we want to use.

If you are not so here is a practical small script that will facilitate many steps, here's how.
Once installed Arch Linux base system just start a Linux livecd I use Parted Magic can also go more we connect to the Internet and download the script from this link.

Once downloaded, if our connection is different from wlan0 start it with a publisher of text and change wlan0 with ours.
At this point we just have to copy it to the partition where we installed Arch I usually save it in the folder /opt. Now close the livecd and boot Arch Linux.

If our connection is a WPA so you first need to create a passphrase to create us just type
wpa_passphrase nostrossid "nostrachiave"
where instead of nostrossid we add our ssid or the name of our WiFi connection for example AliceWifi, Fastweb etc. and password (or key) and press send, and let's save ourselves a piece of the code or pass phrase that will result with the previous command.
Now we put it on wpa_supplicant To open it type
nano /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
and insert as per example below
    psk=passphrase that you created earlier
where we replace nomeessid for example with our AliceWifi and etc. passphrase previously created

save and now we're ready to connect to do this just type:
cd /opt
chmod +x wifistart
If everything is correct we will have to be connected to our wifi and then complete the installation even along our dedicated guide.

If our connection is for example WPA2 or simply want to know in detail wpa_supplicant recommend to consult the WiKi dedicated on this page.
Alternatively, many users also use Netcfg in this page you will find more information about this tool to connect.

In case of connection problems I always recommend to consult the Arch Wiki easy to navigate and full of many solutions to our problems.

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