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Kde 4.8, Some Changes In The New Version In A Video

KDE is preparing to release a version of 4.8, The date scheduled for release on 25 January but already has some new features are already present in the release under development.

KDE 4.8 will bring many new features also thanks to the arrival of the new Qt Quick as well as improved desktop environment and applications on an update of default among these the new Dolphin 2.0.
With KDE 4.8 we will have new notifications and improved management of devices ,The new splash screen (not bad) and the new window dedicated to the Application Switcher and very high.
In these days Korneliusz Jarzębski No.1 from the Dolphin Project released a post and a video with some of the new features that we find in January of KDE 4.8, Admire new animations and new features that make KDE is the most innovative desktop environment for Linux.

To you the video ...

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