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Google Music Frame, Integrates Google Musicin The Sound Indicator Of Ubuntu

This new way to store and play music through the cloud. The main but it is you have to listen to the music within the browser. But what if you could listen to your music outside the browser?

Well, I learned that this is possible. The head of this wonder called Jiri Janousekand his name is Google Music Frame.

First proceed to install it. To do this open a terminal and installed with
sudo apt-add-repository ppa: janousek.jiri / google-music-frame-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-music-frame
To run it opens from the dash or from the application launcher writing google-music-frame:

After logging in with your Google Music (yes, you must be logged in to use this service ...) will open the player:

Starts running the player, and work on your sound indicator:

After that you will not need to keep open the window, close it with ease. And from there and you can listen to your music without opening the navigator for this.

Thanks to those responsible for this. Greetings!

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