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Ubuntu: Enable And Disable Root Password

Ubuntu for reasons of "security" by default allows you to have direktur privileges on the system or, more commonly called root with sudo.

The reason is that with sudo allows for Log on as direktur or root only in the specified command and remained in user mode. Personally, this choice does not agree at all as simply giving sudo -s to have root privileges and then "security" so sought after by turning off the root end is useless.

If we have several operations to be performed from the terminal as a system direktur or use sudo for each command as root or we lodge with the command sudo -s.
In this guide we will see how enable the root account and use the command so loved About (as to 99% of the Linux distributions) to obtain administrative privileges and how to disable it to restore the distribution as default.

Get the root account on Ubuntu is simple enough from a terminal type:
sudo passwd root
We will ask the user password and then enter the new password for roowhere t is advisable that different than you (if we are afraid to forget we can still use the same).
Once you enter the root password and reinserted to confirm we can access with the command on for obtaining administrative privileges. However, we can still use the command without any sudo problems.

For disable the root account and restore as default always just type in terminal:
sudo passwd -l root
and we disabled the root account.

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