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The New Of Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu 11.10 that will be released on 13 October with the code name Oneiric Ocelot which means "dreamer bobcats" or something. Among the Ubuntu 11.10 news we need is faster than its predecessors, and many crashes of Unity have been resolved and a lot more than I comment below:

New Login

The new login screen looks like the image. Among other things allow login with Unity 2D and Unity 3D. You can also install Gnome 3 to take third graphical interface to use Ubuntu. Can be installed simply by:

sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
And then this will add to the login screen.

Software Center

Interface has been improved software center and changed its icon. has been ported to GTK 3 and the categories are shown in the main window. It's style is very clean as Nautilus.

Nautilus 3

Ubuntu 11.10 comes with Nautilus 3, with good improvements in the interface now cleaner and better design in the tabs.

Appearance Preferences

The ambiance and radiance themes have been ported to GTK3.Los now change themes with a simple drop-down sajian at the bottom of the wallpaper selection window.

Menus Window

The menus when windows are maximized now remain hidden until the mouse hkelewat / overs kelewat / over it. This keeps the clean sajian and display it only when necessary.

New Dash button

The Dash button moved down and now appears separate from the Gnome panel. This makes it look more integrated with Unity launcher.

The Dash for Unity

The Dash now has its own control window that allows you to easily categorize applications, files and folders.

Unity Filters

The search in Ubuntu can now be done by separating categories like music, applications, files, and that can be filtered according to the ranking of applications. The following image may be better appreciated.

Improved Power button

The power button is the button that usually turn off the pc. This has been greatly improved and now have options such as printers, USB devices, monitor options, system updates and applications to start.

New Alt+Tab

Changer was improved windows now has a style more to the MAC OS.


Thunderbird replaces Evolution now as a mail client. By default will come installed the new Mozilla Thunderbird 7.


The new firefox 7 browser will default on ubuntu 11.10

Deja Dup Backup

Deja Dup be the default application to make backups on ubuntu 11.10


Finally, the office suite, which will take Ubuntu 11.10 will be LibreOffice 3.4

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