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The Faenza Icons 1.1 Disembarking On Ubuntu 11.10! Here's How To Install

Also Oneiric, As well as previous versions of Ubuntu, Is a highly configurable, allowing you to install additional packages of icons to decorate the entire room. But you will notice that, unlike previous releases, Ubuntu 11.10 is a bit 'more complicated configuration process because you will need to install Gnome Tweak Tool for this type of transaction can be finalized.

We proceed by degrees and calm. First Faenza icons sets are one the most beloved and successful for Ubuntu and have been updated to version 1.1: a version fully compatible with Ubuntu 11.10. You can install them on your Gnome 3 or Unity interchangeably, the setup process is the same.

The set 1.1 in Faenza Icons introduces new icons for programs such as Clementine, Xterm, Wunderlist, Scribes, Steam, Tracker, Gparted, GConf Editor and to improve integration with the system, were also included in two packages: Faenza-Ambiance and Faenza-Radiance.

To install, open terminal and type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme
Now to apply, you need to run Gnome Tweak Tools, go to the board Theme and select the package of icons from Faenza voice Theme Icons. If you do not have Gnome Tweak Tools, you can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

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