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Android: How To Increase The Battery Life

vAUMZQwJDHsIxhGcMignkMCxjmMcxhmENwxYSpMlwqw Android: How to increase the battery life

LinuxTechCrunch knows that the limited duration of the battery is a problem. For this gives you some tips to solve it on your Android.

As you probably know, one of the most critical aspects of a smart phone is the battery life.

More functions are to manage, more intensive use and is the more important it is this!

Therefore, it is useful to know some tricks to preserve the battery in your Android, to maximize the autonomy of your device so you never run down.

LinuxTechCrunch will propose these measures (guidelines also apply to Android devices).

First, adjust the display based on usage.

Decrease the brightness may seem trivial, but it allows you to save battery power with little sacrifice.

In Android devices so it is better to disable "Auto Brightness".

Even the backgrounds with very light colors increase the energy consumed.

Another suggestion is to switch off the wireless modules.

If you're not going to use them because they turned to leave GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G or Bluetooth?

As you can imagine these modules increase the energy consumption of your smartphone.

Other hints for 3G: You must keep it on for data traffic and navigation.

But when you just have to call or send messages you can set your device to connect only to 2G network.

You can find this option by following the path "Settings", "Wireless Networks", "Mobile Networks", "Network Mode".

Some applications run in the background, so not in a visible, but it certainly increases the energy consumption of your smartphone.

It is therefore good practice to eliminate unnecessary applications.

How do?

Just go to "My Applications" of the android market, or access the "Settings" menu, "Applications", "Manage applications".

Other software components that sucked your battery are the famous Widgets.

Having too many can affect the autonomy of your Android.

Especially those with animations, periodically connect to the Web for downloading information.

Last parameter to be monitored is the temperature.

The heat tends to shorten the life of a battery, in contrast to the cold.

LinuxTechCrunch do not recommend using your Android exclusively in cold storage, but do not expose your smartphone (for long periods of time) to heat.

Try following these tips.

You will notice for sure a, albeit small, improvement!

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