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Released The Source Code For Doom 3, Here's How To Install It On Linux

kXcCrwLPgjzycsfkSGVfdVdtRVlRFoxZYSyXhmHzQzcRlctpLFQiHVHQpFpCBV Released the source code for DooM 3, here's how to install it on Linux

News that will make happy all lkelewat / overs of free software, John Carmack Technical Director of id Software has finally announced the long-awaited release of source code DooM III indicating:
"... This release does not contain data from the original game because they are ckelewat / overed by the EULA that requires to follow the usual procedure ..."
In the coming months we will then play "freely" in DooM 3 Furthermore, we can find versions revised or new games based on this source.
For those not familiar with DooM III is a first-person shooter released in 2004 by id Software proposing a revolutionary new graphics engine which allows gestire real-time shadows and lighting We can also monitor and provide very detailed graphic panels and interactive interfaces. Through the Multiplayer We challenge our friends online up to a maximum of 4 players.

kXcCrwLPgjzycsfkSGVfdVdtRVlRFoxZYSyXhmHzQzcRlctpLFQiHVHQpFpCBV Released the source code for DooM 3, here's how to install it on Linux

We can play DooM 3 in our Linux Distribution (Demo version) by simply typing in a terminal:


and confirm

to start the game type from terminal:
and we will have our DooM 3 started.

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